Sebute S.A.

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Carrera 7 A No. 57-27 Barrio Bellavista – Sector Mamonal - Cartagena de Indias, DT y C. Colombia

Phone: (+60) (5) 638 2881 Cell Phone: (+57) 315 731 1484SpanishEnglish

Sebute SA



SEBUTE SA has stations to perform semi-autonomous diving activities with air up to 153 '(46 meters) deep, each station, make it up, one (1) hyperbaric chamber double compartment (DDC), one (1) compressor for air supply breathable 120 cubic feet per minute, one (1) 90 cubic feet per minute breathing air compressor, heliox KMB-18 diving masks, superlite KMB-37SS diving helmets, submarine communication radios, control boxes diving (RACK BOX), umbilicals of 200 and 600 feet in length and the basic elements for diving.

Specialized equipment
Team specialized in semi-autonomous diving

In addition, it has, with other equipment such as high pressure compressors (HP) for the filling of diving cylinders, volume and low pressure (LP), hydraulic units, high and low pressure motor pumps, marine elements such as, pneumatic winches , beach gear for rescue, boats, lift bags and radios for marine communications.

Mariner and rescue
Mariner and rescue equipment

It also has digital color underwater video (CCTV) equipment with high resolution cameras, surface console, lamp and umbilicals of 300 feet in length. Digital cameras with their accessories. Equipment to make measurements of underwater thickness by ultrasound (UT), equipment for taking underwater potentials (CP) and equipment to perform magnetic particle examination (MPI).

Filmación submarina
Underwater video-filming